2022 Hologram, Inc. All rights reserved
Never worry about how to determine which carrier your device should connect to — our eUICC-enabled Hyper SIMs will automatically connect to the best signal available on our network.
Collaboratively manage your 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, or CAT-M fleet with our easy-to-use dashboard or our modern REST API and get access to our IoT support specialists.
Avoid lengthy carrier negotiations for your connectivity needs. We've sorted it out and are constantly working to improve coverage and support for our network.
Tanguy Goretti
Get the IoT Connectivity eBook
Before you deploy your IoT project, you'll need to chose the right connectivity.
The changing landscape of cellular connectivity
The six fundamental characteristics of connectivity
Real world examples
Implications of choosing the wrong connectivity
IoT connectivity is no longer one size fits all. What are the specific connectivity needs for your IoT deployment?
Question to ask your connectivity provider